Wednesday, July 24, 2013


After considerable thought, I decided to clean house around here.  The most obvious change is the background image.  This one keeps with the need for purple, but it's a little darker than the previous one.  I think the darker one better fits my mood lately.

The less obvious change involves the blogroll over to the right of the page.  Over the past several months I've watched more than a few of the blogs I loved to read go silent. Some announced that they were closing their blogs, others just sort of stopped writing.

I've been debating whether or not I should remove these silent blogs, or just leave them there out of respect for the writing I so enjoyed.  For a while I was content to let them remain, but as of today, no more.  My thought is that the blogroll should be active--not necessarily every-day-type-active, but at least occasionally active...kind of like my blog, ha ha.  I also updated the links for some folks who moved their blogs to different hosts.

"So what's your point?" I can hear you ask.  Well, while I don't have a lot of readers, I do have some who stop by from time to time.  If you are one of those people, or if this is your first time here, and you have a blog, perhaps you would be kind enough to leave a link to it in the comments. I'd love to read your writing, and I'd love to add you to my blogroll.

And that is the extent of housekeeping around the blog.  For today, anyway.


  1. It is always nice to tidy thing up a bit.

    1. Yes, it definitely is. Hope you two (or three) are doing well.


    2. Eh, not so much. Thanks for the sentiment. Hope you are well.


    3. I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm hoping that perhaps by now, things have improved.


    4. We just hit a snag but that is to be expected. We just need to find our balance. Sorry it took so long to respond. Have been neglecting the blog.

      Sincerely A


    I had that same problem as my favorites stopped updating - do I leave them there or do I...?

    I've seen some folks move the no-longer updated blogs to a separate roll - "Gone but not forgotten" or "no longer updated but still amazing" type thing.

    1. Thanks for sharing the blog link, Conina. I will add it to the list right away.

      And I like the "Gone But Not Forgotten" idea. I'll look into adding a section for that as well.

